var $elem = $('#orgchart');
$elem.orgBuilder({ 'draggable':true });
var toggleChildren = function() {
var nodeChildren = $elem.orgBuilder( 'findChildNodes', nodeClicked );
var visibleChildren = nodeChildren.not( '.min' ).length;
if ( visibleChildren === 0 ) {
$elem.orgBuilder( 'showChildren', nodeClicked );
} else {
$elem.orgBuilder( 'hideDescendents', nodeClicked );
$elem.orgBuilder( 'addOption', 'Toggle Children', toggleChildren );
// Define a function to call either the collapseNode or expandNode method.
// This will animate the size of the node to reveal the content div.
// The nodeClicked variable references the node used to open the option menu.
// Nodes which are enlarged to show content get a class of 'expanded'.
var toggleContent = function() {
var isExpanded = nodeClicked.is( '.expanded' );
if ( isExpanded ) {
$elem.orgBuilder( 'collapseNode', nodeClicked );
} else {
$elem.orgBuilder( 'expandNode', nodeClicked );
// Use the addOption method to add a new button to the option menu with the provided text.
// The function provided is called when the button is clicked.
$elem.orgBuilder( 'addOption', 'Toggle Content', toggleContent );
var renameDialog = function() {
$elem.orgBuilder( 'openDialog', {
title : 'Rename Node',
bodyText : 'New Node Display Name',
input : true,
inputValue : nodeClicked.find( '.label' ).text(),
button : true,
buttonText : 'Submit',
buttonAction : function(){
var node = nodeClicked;
var name = $('.field').val();
$elem.orgBuilder( 'closeDialog' );
$elem.orgBuilder( 'renameNode', node, name );
$elem.orgBuilder( 'addOption', 'Rename Node', renameDialog );
var deleteDialog = function() {
$elem.orgBuilder( 'openDialog', {
title : 'Delete Node',
bodyText : 'Delete this node and all child nodes?',
button : true,
buttonText : 'Confirm',
buttonAction : function(){
var node = nodeClicked;
$elem.orgBuilder( 'closeDialog' );
$elem.orgBuilder( 'deleteNode', node );
$elem.orgBuilder( 'addOption', 'Delete Node', deleteDialog );
var createDialog = function() {
$elem.orgBuilder( 'openDialog', {
title : 'Create Node',
bodyText : 'Node Display Name',
input : true,
button : true,
buttonText : 'Submit',
buttonAction : function(){
var node = nodeClicked;
var name = $('.field').val();
$elem.orgBuilder( 'closeDialog' );
$elem.orgBuilder( 'createNode', node, name );
$elem.orgBuilder( 'addOption', 'Create Child', createDialog );
opts.stackLeaves = !opts.stackLeaves;
var connectEm = function(){
$elem.orgBuilder( 'connectNodes' );
var whenDone = function() {
$elem.orgBuilder( 'collectStack' );
$elem.orgBuilder( 'showNode', $open, null, connectEm );
$open = $( '.node' ).not( '.min' );
$( '.connect' ).remove();
$elem.orgBuilder( 'hideDescendents', $elem.find( '#root' ).children( '.node' ), whenDone, false );
// Define an alert function.
var simpleAlert = function() {
alert( 'Hello from the ' + nodeClicked.attr( 'name' ) + ' department!' );
// Use the addOption method to add a new button to the option menu with the provided text.
// The function provided is called when the button is clicked.
$elem.orgBuilder( 'addOption', 'Simple Alert', simpleAlert );
// Let's make it interesting.
// Define a recursive function to 'walk up' the node tree and add class 'highlight' to each ancestor node.
var showPath = function() {
function walk( step ){
var parent = $elem.orgBuilder( 'findParentNode', step );
step.addClass( 'highlight' );
if ( step.parent( '.family' ).attr( 'id' ) !== 'root' ){
walk( parent );
$( '.highlight' ).removeClass( 'highlight' );
walk( nodeClicked )
// Use the addOption method to add a new button to the option menu with the provided text.
// The function provided is called when the button is clicked.
$elem.orgBuilder( 'addOption', 'Show Chain of Command', showPath );