$(document).ready(function(){ // Create an instance of orgBuilder within the target element(s). // If $elem represents multiple elements, orgBuilder will be instantiated within each one. // Use the nodeHeight option to set custom node height. var $elem = $('#orgchart'); $elem.orgBuilder(); // Define a function to call the orgBuilder 'openDialog' method. // The second argument is an object containing config properties for the dialog. // These properties are detailed in the Usage documentation. // The buttonAction method executes when the dialog button is clicked. var renameDialog = function() { $elem.orgBuilder( 'openDialog', { title : 'Rename Node', bodyText : 'New Node Display Name', input : true, inputValue : nodeClicked.find( '.label' ).text(), button : true, buttonText : 'Submit', buttonAction : function(){ // $('.field') is the dialog input element var name = $('.field').val(); $elem.orgBuilder( 'closeDialog' ); // The renameNode method changes the name attribute and text of the specified node to the text provided. $elem.orgBuilder( 'renameNode', nodeClicked, name ); } }); }; // Use the addOption method to add a new button to the option menu with the provided text. // The function provided is called when the button is clicked. $elem.orgBuilder( 'addOption', 'Rename Node', renameDialog ); // Define a function to call the orgBuilder 'openDialog' method. // Use some options to set up the dialog and attach a function to delete a node. var deleteDialog = function() { $elem.orgBuilder( 'openDialog', { title : 'Delete Node', bodyText : 'Delete this node and all child nodes?', button : true, buttonText : 'Confirm', buttonAction : function(){ $elem.orgBuilder( 'closeDialog' ); // The deleteNode method removes the specified node and all descendents. $elem.orgBuilder( 'deleteNode', nodeClicked ); } }); }; // Use the addOption method to add a new button to the option menu with the provided text. // The function provided is called when the button is clicked. $elem.orgBuilder( 'addOption', 'Delete Node', deleteDialog ); // Define a function to call the orgBuilder 'openDialog' method. // Use some options to set up the dialog and attach a function to create a new node. var createDialog = function() { $elem.orgBuilder( 'openDialog', { title : 'Create Node', bodyText : 'Node Display Name', input : true, button : true, buttonText : 'Submit', buttonAction : function(){ // $('.field') is the dialog input element var name = $('.field').val(); $elem.orgBuilder( 'closeDialog' ); // The createNode method creates a new node as a child of the specified node with the provided name attribute and label text. $elem.orgBuilder( 'createNode', nodeClicked, name ); } }); }; // Use the addOption method to add a new button to the option menu with the provided text. // The function provided is called when the button is clicked. $elem.orgBuilder( 'addOption', 'Create Child', createDialog ); });